1043 BC- Saul Becomes King

Samuel anoints Saul and he becomes king over Israel for 42 years.

1003 BC- Sauls' Defeat

Saul turns to sin rather than God and eventually dies with three of his sons on Mount Gilboa.

1003 BC- David Reigns

David is anointed King over Israel at age 30 and reigns for 40 years. 

1000 BC- The Ark brought to Jerusalem

King David has the ark of the covenant brought to Jerusalem but a man named Uzzah loses his life because they didn't follow the instructions of the Lord.

993 BC- David and Bathsheba

David takes Bathsheba as his wife after seeing her bathing and it causes him to lie, commit adultery, and eventually commit murder.

979 BC- Psalms of David

King David wrote 73 Psalms about his life which include his prayers and thanksgivings to God.

970 BC- David's Last Song

The last words of David about his relationship with the Lord.

967 BC- Solomon's Wisdom

Solomon asks the Lord for wisdom and He makes him wiser than all other kings.

966 BC- Solomon Builds the Temple

Solomon builds the temple of the Lord in the fourth year of his reign. 

950 BC- Proverbs

Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs filled with words of wisdom for how to live.

937 BC- Ecclesiastes

Near the end of his life, Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes to teach others that life is pointless without the Lord.

931 BC- The Divided Kingdom

The kingdom split between Israel in the north and Judah in the south.

863 BC- Elijah on Mount Carmel

God used Elijah and did miraculous signs in order to show the followers of Baal that He was the true God.

851 BC- Elisha Succeeds Elijah

When God takes Elijah up to heaven, Elisha is left to take his place.

835 BC- Word to Joel

God used Joel to prophesy about the coming 'Day of the Lord'.

766 BC- Word of Amos

God spoke to His people through a shepherd named Amos about His coming judgment and eventual restoration.

760 BC- Jonah's Calling

God calls Jonah to warn Ninevah of the great destruction coming, and because of his eventual obedience the people repent and are saved.

753 BC- Hosea's Prophecies

God prophesies through Hosea and compares Israel's continual behavior towards Him to an unfaithful wife.

739 BC- Isaiah's Call

God calls Isaiah to be a prophet for His disobedient people and he responds in fear and obedience.

735 BC- Word from Micah

God called Micah to speak to His people about judgement and salvation.